Crazier Things Have Happened
As far back as I can remember, I have always wanted to be a mom. This story is about my journey to motherhood and the many challenges I faced and overcame along the way. I have been pregnant seven times in a span of ten years on my journey to motherhood. I’ve gone through pregnancy, miscarriage, multiple intrauterine inseminations, multiple in vitro fertilizations, a blighted ovum, a tubular pregnancy, and the rare disease diagnosis of a child. However, the joy of motherhood became possible for me and is my greatest blessing, even with all these challenges. I have also endured my own mortality and the physical loss of my mother; yet, she has continued to show me the eternalness of her love and how, through the lens of tears and laughter, life still is more blessed and whole than I ever imagined!
Through a fresh understanding of spirituality, science, and the power of belief, I encourage the reader to find his or her own path of truth, with anything that may challenge them, and not to just follow what I am saying. More than ever, women and couples are faced with fertility challenges. This book is a reminder to believe in the desire of motherhood calling to these women and couples, and to inspire them to have hope and faith and trust in themselves and their dreams. It is also a book to remind you that, no matter what challenges or life circumstances you may be going through, there is a stronger, more self-empowered you on the other side.
No matter what challenges come your way in life, choose to follow your heart, because a life lived from love instead of from fear is the most beautiful life one can live! Leave the fear behind, and focus on the love. What we put our attention on will increase, so increase attention on what you want and how you want things to be. Live from love!